WORLD LITERATURE 272--1650 to present Jim Roth's Website
Spring 2018
Video--Introduction to drama--from Dian Nuswantoro University (UDINUS), Indonesia
Video--Neoclassic and Romantic Art Tour
Video--Romanticism Art tour--with video link
Enlightenment Notes and Thoughts--mp4 video
Enlightenment Notes and Thoughts--the handout
Rough Timeline of Periods and Events--mp4 video
Rough Timeline of Periods and Events--the handout
Fiction Terms and Definitions with video links
Introduction to Voltaire and Candide Week
Candide Chapters 1 through 12 Tour
Voltaire Appreciation Society Highlights Reel
Document--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem
Video--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem
Video--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem--Wordsworth-"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
Document--Scansion, Rhythm and Rhyme in Poetry
Video--Scansion, Rhythm and Rhyme in Poetry
Video--Structure in Poetry--"That Time of Year" Shakespearean (Elizabethan Sonnet)
Video--Structure in Poetry--"The Cross of Snow" Longfellow (Italian) Sonnet
Haiku and You Forum Assignment
Hsu Yun--19th century Chinese poet
The Painting and the Poem Assignment
What's Up with the Duke--An Investigation
Poems That Express Romanticism
Keats "Ode on a Grecian Urn" Tour
Dickinson and Whitman Introduction
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy's "The Right Life" Forum
Tolstoy's "The Right Life" Forum--Our Culture
"The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot
Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums"
Rough Timeline of Historic Influences
Fiction Terms and Definitions--with the Classical Plot Line
Sample Student Response from World Literature 271
Introduction to Phaedra--mp4 video
Phaedra Acts I and II--Jim's Tour--mp4 video
Minos and the History of the Minotaur
Phaedra and The Classical Plot Line