of World Literature 272 Syllabus Both a "D" and a
"W" Course Spring 2018 Syllabus
Instructor: Jim Roth Contact
Information: PLEASE USE CANVAS EMAIL for all course
communications. School
website: /jroth REQUIRED TEXT:
The Norton Anthology of Western Literature, Eighth
or Ninth Edition, Volume 2 by Lawall and others. (The page numbers will be different
depending upon the edition you use; however, all the works we read will be in
every edition. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: ü
Regular, reliable access to the Internet (using a smart phone or tablet is NOT
recommended) ü
A minimum of 15 hours per week for reading,
writing, study, and reflection ü
College-level competency in reading and writing
English* This
section of English 272 is a fully online college transfer literature
(humanities) course that offers both a Diversity
(‘D’) and a Writing (‘W’) endorsement. *Required Reading Level When
you glance through the text, you will immediately see that the material will
require advanced reading skills and a good amount of time to prepare. Please assess your reading level
immediately and find an alternative course at once if you feel your reading
skills are not advanced enough. Please remember that you will be
responsible for a CLOSE reading of all assignments. You can find a brief
Reading Skills Assessment activity by clicking on “Reading Level Assessment”
in the CANVAS Week #1 Module. WEEKLY
that your reading skills are college-level, please reserve an average of 10
to 15 hours a week for our course.
This average combines the 5 hours an on-campus course would meet with
the additional 5 to 10 hours of homework. COURSE
272 explores both diversity and continuity in the written expression of
multiple world cultures from around 1650 to the present. Selections may
include works from Basho, Moliere, Voltaire, Dickinson, Kafka, Tolstoy,
Marquez, and Assis. The primary goal is to make
this literature accessible and enjoyable. Prerequisite: College level reading
and writing skills. View
(100 points each—two to three during the term) All
questions will be short essay or objective.
Each experience is worth up to 100 points and cannot be taken late
unless you make arrangements in advance.
Because this course provides a "W" credit, your success on
these experiences (exams) will depend upon your use of written English as
well as upon your mastery of course content. THE
(please see Course Journal Assignment information later in this
CANVAS module. FIRST THREE DAYS ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT In order to remain in the course, a student must post a Personal
Introduction by midnight of the third day of the quarter. The deadline
for Spring Quarter 2018 is midnight Wednesday, April 4th, 2018. You can find
the link to the Personal Introduction
assignment in the CANVAS Week #1
student has the right to interfere with another student’s opportunity to
learn. To this end, I expect all of my
students to act as responsible, socially-skilled adults In addition, the SCC Arts and Sciences
Division requires all of its students to read the
Dean’s letter explaining faculty and student responsibilities, as well as
the Division’s position regarding Academic Integrity and plagiarism. Please
be sure to read the Dean’s letter before the end of the first week. PLEASE READ
In an adult
learning environment, such as Spokane Community College, it is to
be expected that controversial and sometimes potentially upsetting subject
matter may be covered and discussed in the classroom setting pursuant to the
learning objectives of the class. It is also to be expected that the
discussion and exchange of ideas regarding such subject matter may be robust
and spirited, but it should never cross over into speech acts or other acts
that are overtly threatening or harassing of a student or faculty member,
disruptive to the classroom environment, or otherwise inconsistent with the
level of civil discourse that is the norm in higher education circles.
The instructors of this college have a moral and legal obligation to maintain
a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students, and thus expect
and require that all students will comport themselves in accordance with the
mandates of the student code of conduct, and with the norms of civil, learned
discourse appropriate to a collegiate setting. In addition, please remember that SCC is not a continuation of high school (the 13th grade), but rather a college that offers courses and activities designed to benefit adults who choose to be here. Because of this, I expect all of my students, regardless of their age and/or academic background, to interact with others as adults. Also, I do not disclose any information about my students without their permission nor do I, as a rule, discuss a student's progress with parents. I ask that students contact me directly if they have concerns about anything regarding the course. Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or any student who lacks a safe and stable place to live and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to contact the Associated Student Government (ASG) or the Associate Dean of Student Development for support. Furthermore, please notify the professor (if you are comfortable in doing so). This will enable him or her to put you in touch with any other resources that may be available here at Spokane Community College.
course week runs from Tuesday morning through Monday at midnight. PLAGIARISM
is the intentional or unintentional representation of someone else’s words
and ideas as your own. It is academic
theft and will not be tolerated. Any
act of plagiarism, intentional or not, will mean failure of the
assignment. More than one instance of
plagiarism will mean failure of the course.
Please consult the SCC Student Handbook, the SCC Student Code of
Conduct, and the Arts and Sciences Division policies for more information. OTHERS Registered
sex offenders (RSO’s) may be enrolled in SCC classes. Persons interested in
seeking the identity of these person(s) may obtain further information from
the Campus Security Office. At
all times, whether on campus or taking online courses, be cautious of your
personal safety and be very careful of any relationships or attachments you
form with others you meet through college courses and activities. Students
in online courses must be particularly careful since there is no opportunity
to screen others in person. In
addition, online students may put too much trust in classmates because the
interaction is through a legitimate college course such as ours. Community
Colleges of Spokane is committed to the safety and well-being of students,
faculty, and staff. The entire SCC community, whether on-campus or online, is
responsible for maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment. Please
report any suspicious activities to the Campus Security Office immediately. Please
read the Campus
Safety Update. PROPER
we like it or not, others judge us by how well we use the language. In
addition, the use of Standard Written English demonstrates respect for ourselves, our language, our readers, and our message.
Because of these facts, and the fact that this is a ‘W’ course, part of your
grade this quarter will be determined by the quality of English you use is
all course communication, including e-mails and postings. Please
be aware that I will not respond to
e-mails nor will I accept or grade any assignments written in substandard
English. In addition, I will not
read nor will I respond to e-mails written in Textlish
(“texting English”). Finally, I will
not read nor will I respond to communications that are impolite or
discourteous. Please practice
email etiquette is all course communications. MAKING UP LATE ASSIGNMENTS There is NO MAKE-UP OPTION regardless
of reason so please don’t ask.
The good news is you will have plenty of “lead time” for each assignment. [ Please note: Any assignment that has a time and date stamp
later than the due date is a late assignment no matter what the reason and
will receive no credit. This late assignment rule includes technical
problems with the Internet and/or your computer. That’s one of many reasons to begin assignments as early as
possible. Please
note: Any assignment submitted through CANVAS that has a time and date stamp
later than the due date is a late assignment no matter what the reason. This includes technical
problems with the Internet and/or your computer. That’s why it’s a good idea
to begin assignments early. GETTING
will do my best to respond within 24 hours to emails that I receive between
7:30 to 2:30 on school days. If you
have a question over the weekends or holidays, please allow 48 hours. The best thing to do is
preview the new CANVAS module early in the course week and ask
questions as soon as possible. CHECKING
keep all of your grades on CANVAS. Please
check them regularly and let me know of any discrepancies. YOUR
following categories will determine your course grade, each category being
worth a certain percent of your total grade.