Jim Roth's Website

Literature Resources


World Lit 272 Start Page


Fiction Terms and Definitions--pdf


Schools of Literature


Five Steps to Understanding a Poem


Scansion (or rhythm) and Rhyme in Poetry


A Primer on Poetic Feet


Sonnets Made Easy--new form with video


Sonnets Made Easy


Petrarchan and Shakespearean Sonnets


The Great Sonnet Writing Challenge


Who’s Who in Hamlet


Who’s Who in Othello


Who's Who in Tartuffe


POETRY--From English 272

Document--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem

Video--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem

Video--Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem--Wordsworth-"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

Document--Scansion, Rhythm and Rhyme in Poetry

Video--Scansion, Rhythm and Rhyme in Poetry

Video--Structure in Poetry--"That Time of Year" Shakespearean (Elizabethan Sonnet)

Video--Structure in Poetry--"The Cross of Snow" Longfellow (Italian) Sonnet

A Primer on Poetic Feet

Sonnets Made Easy





       Five Easy Steps to Reading and Understanding a Poem


       Scansion, Rhythm, and Rhyme in Poetry


       Five Easy Steps--Wordworth's "Daffodils"


Short Stories

 To Build a FireLinks to an external site. by Jack London

The Law of Life (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by Jack London

The Cask of AmontilladoLinks to an external site. by Edgar Allen Poe

The Minister's Black Veil  Links to an external site.Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Chrysanthemums  Links to an external site.by John Steinbeck

Walker Brothers CowboyLinks to an external site. by Alice Munro

The Open BoatLinks to an external site. by Stephen Crane

The Death of Ivan Ilych (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by Leo Tolstoy