Homer, Iliad, and Odyssey Links

Gods and Goddesses Comparison Chart --a special thanks to Mary Worthy

Homer, The Iliad, and The Odyssey--background and synopsis

Who's Who in Greek Legend

Homer's Greece

The Nine Muses

The Classical Greek Underworld

The Iliad

The Iliad Reading Assignments for World Literature 271

The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Iliad by Homer  Please Note: this translation of the Iliad mixes both Greek and Roman names for the gods. For example, "Jupiter" and "Jove," two Roman names for the ruler of the gods," are occasionally used in place of the Greek name "Zeus."  Please keep a resource handy if you use this translation.

The Iliad (downloadable files in several formats)

The Iliad (online)

The Muses

Who's Who in The Iliad

Who's Who in The Iliad--a more complete list

More Help with the characters

The Iliad Game--test your knowledge of the poem


The Fall of Troy by Virgil (Roman)

See The Aeneid, Book II


The Odyssey

The Odyssey Reading Assignments for World Literature 271

The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Odyssey by Homer  Please Note: this translation of the Iliad mixes both Greek and Roman names for the gods. For example, "Jupiter" and "Jove," two Roman names for the ruler of the gods," are occasionally used in place of the Greek name "Zeus."  Please keep a resource handy if you use this translation.

Timeline of the Odyssey--from the University of Pennsylvania

The Odyssey in Greek

Who's Who in the Odyssey

The Odyssey Game--test your knowledge of the poem

The Aeolian Harp   and Coleridge's poem The Aeolian Harp


Tennyson's poems "The Lotus Eaters" and "Ulysses" (the Roman name for Odysseus)