An Marduk Zeus Jupiter
Head of the Gods  Lord of all gods Ruler of the Gods Ruler of the gods
Ki Ki Gaea Tellus
Goddess of the Earth Goddess of the Earth Goddess of Earth Goddess of Earth
Utu Utu Apollo Apollo
God of the Sun God of the Sun God of the Sun God of the Sun
Enki Anahita Poseidon Neptune
Lord of Water and Wisdom protective motherand  God of Sea and  God of Sea and
God of Justice goddess of rivers and H2O earthquakes earthquakes
Inanna Ishtar Aphrodite Venus
Goddess of Love and War Goddess of Love Goddess of love Goddess of love 
and war Ares Mars
god of war god of war
Ninhursag Ea Athena Minerva
Mother of Earth and god of wisdom and  Goddess of wisdom Godess of Wisdom
source of life spells
Enlil Yima
God of the Air and Storms God of Light
son of An and Head of the 
Gods after An