Jim Roth’s Website

Short Essay Assignment

Do no later than Thursday, April 27th

Directions:  Choose one of the four articles we annotated and write a short essay in response to the essay prompt that accompanies the respective article.  In your essay, occasionally, and when appropriate, blend in words from the article.  Also, please be sure to acknowledge the borrowed (blended) words by using correct MLA or APA documentation style (your choice).

Essay and paragraph structure will in large part determine the essay's grade. Please watch the following videos for a review of basic paragraph and essay structure.

So what do I do now?

Visit the links below to review what an essay is, study an example or two until you understand the structure.

Pick which one of the prompts you want to respond to and state your point in a thesis sentence.

Write your support paragraphs and conclusion.

Study introductory paragraph requirements and examples.  Then write your introductory paragraph and end it with your thesis sentence.

Edit and revise thoroughly before submitting your essay.

The Milkshake Essay with its Essay Planning Sheet

What's an Essay?  The “Pitfalls of Technology" example

Developing Specific Examples

Summary-and-Response Examples (opening paragraph plus two student examples)

Writing the Introductory Paragraph

Paragraphs Made Easy



Please use the essay structure outlined below

Paragraph #1

Introduction + Thesis Sentence

Please click here for advice on writing your introductory paragraph

Paragraph #2

Supporting Point #1

Topic Sentence + support sentences

Paragraph #3

Supporting Point #2

Topic Sentence + support sentences

Paragraph #4

Supporting Point #3

Topic Sentence + support sentences

Paragraph #5


Short, but elegant




“Televising Humiliation” by Adam Cohen

Essay Prompt: 

Do you believe that the types of shows Cohen discusses in “Televising Humiliation” are appropriate for general network television?  If you believe they are appropriate, please give reasons why, and perhaps refer to particular shows to support your opinion.

If you believe these types of shows are not appropriate for general network television, please give reasons why not, and perhaps refer to particular shows to support your opinion.



 “Social experiment: Know thy neighbor” by Peter Lovenheim

Essay Prompt:


Write an essay either agreeing or disagreeing with Lovenheim’s methods and conclusions, giving reasons for your opinion.




 “How Ignorant Are Americans?” by Andrew Romono

Essay prompts:

Choice one:
In your essay, share with your reader the ways you get most of your news.  You might also share how much time you devote each day to being informed to the extent that Romano suggests. Why is or isn’t having this sort of knowledge personally important?

Choice two:

What three or four general categories of knowledge would you recommend Americans become familiar with? For each of your categories, give specific reasons why that category is important.



“Boys Mow Lawns, Girls Do Dishes:

Are Parents Perpetuating the Chore Wars?”

By Sue Shellenbarger


Essay prompts:


Choice one:


Support or refute this thesis:  Though gender discrimination should never be encouraged or tolerated, some careers and activities might be better suited for a particular gender.


If you agree with this opinion, please give three examples of careers or activities that would be better suited for a particular gender.  For each example, clearly explain why that particular gender would have an advantage or why the opposite gender might be at a disadvantage.



Choice two:


Assuming that Shellenbarger is correct—that parents might unconsciously be imprinting gender roles on their children--what changes in routine, attitude, and behavior would you recommend parents make to avoid this, and, instead, create a home environment that is gender-blind?