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English 101 English Composition
Instructor: Shusmita SenOffice: 1-211R Old Main Phone: 533-7367 Email: msen@scc.spokane.edu Office Hours:Texts: 1. The Brief Bedford Reader, 8th Edition, by X. J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Jane A. Aaron 2. A Writers’ Resource, by Elaine P. Maimon and Janice H. Peritz Supplies: 81/2 X 11 legal, loose-leaf papers for all in-class writing needs 2 manila folders for essays/assignments to be handed in 3½ HD disk for all your computer needs College dictionary/thesaurus Course Objectives: English 101 is designed to help develop proficiency in college level writing. Assuming a basic mastery of the standard English sentence and a basic understanding of a clearly written paragraph, the course focuses on the ability to write well developed, clearly organized, and mechanically sound essays in response to various readings and assignments, both in and out of class. By the end of the course, students in English 101 should be able to demonstrate the following outcomes:
Student Learning Outcomes: Spokane Community College is committed to enriching the educational environment so that the power and growth of learning are valued by all members of the college. We are dedicated to seeing our students demonstrate critical Student Learning Abilities as they relate to our institution and the larger community The final grade for overall performance in this class will include assessment of the four SCC Outcomes Abilities:
(facts, evidences, and expert opinions) in your essays, learning to ask the right questions for clarification, demonstrating your knowledge of analytical methods and the ability to arrive at reasonable conclusions/solutions, and recognizing the connections between what you learn, your learning styles, and real-life skills.
Note: Your performance on these learning outcomes will be assessed through regular self-analysis, group evaluation, and instructor-generated evaluation methods.
Course Format:
Assignments: More specifically, workload for this class will include:
Note: All copies of the prewriting activities, the rough, and audience drafts of your essays, along with the feedback sheets need to be turned in with the final draft in a manila folder. Rewrites or revised drafts must be typed. Please keep copies of all final drafts for future references. Attendance Policy: · Because so much of what you learn and receive credit for must be completed within the class hour, your attendance is extremely important. Daily attendance will be taken, and you will begin to lose points after the first three absences. · Being late for class or leaving early is also disruptive, so please be on time and in class for the scheduled class periods. · Unless otherwise directed, papers and assignments are due on the assigned dates. Late papers are not “excused” due to absences. · Also, you are responsible for all information covered during class during your absence. Choose a classmate from whom you can get the missed notes, assignments, and handouts. · Your contribution to the class will enhance the learning environment for you and your classmates. If your behavior disrupts others or the learning environment, you will be asked to leave, and you will not receive credit for that day’s work or attendance. · Cellular phones should be turned off during class. · You should also note that children are not allowed to attend class with you.
Note: I will encourage you to take personal responsibility for your attendance, behavior, and work.
Grading Policy: Your grade will be based on the total points earned on the activities you choose to complete. As indicated above, it can also be affected by your attendance. Please keep the following guidelines in mind: · In-class activities (not including the in-class essays) cannot be made up. · As a rule, extra-credit work is not encouraged. If an exception is made, it will be an opportunity allowed the entire class, not for individual cases.
An approximate idea of the possible points is as follows:
Spokane Community College Grading Scale:
Withdrawals and “Z” Grades: · It is recommended that you see me and /or your advisor if you consider withdrawing from this class. In the event you stop attending, have not formally withdrawn, and do not complete the course, you will receive a grade of 0.0 (F). · A grade of “Z” or “I” (Incomplete) may be given, when requested by the student, under justifiable circumstances and solely at the instructor’s discretion. · An “I” will only be considered under the following circumstances: ü Passing work must have been achieved prior to the student not being able to complete the course and ü The student is not able to complete the course due to circumstances beyond his/her control.
Other Policies: · The American with Disabilities Act is designed to ensure that students with special needs have an equal opportunity to access academic programs and successfully complete their educational goals. Spokane Community College is committed to providing accessibility to all students. Any students with disabilities who have accommodation needs must contact the Disability Support Services to make an appointment to complete the intake process. This information will remain strictly confidential.
· Classroom Visitors: WAC 131, 12.010 Section 3 specifies that children are not allowed in classes with a parent. Because of this regulation, please make other arrangements if school schedules or illnesses are a problem.
· Cheating: WAC 132Q-04-060 (a) Any student who, for the purpose of fulfilling an assignment or task required by the faculty as part of the student’s program of instruction, shall knowingly tender any work product that the student fraudulently represents to the faculty as the student’s work product, shall be deemed to have cheated. Cheating shall be cause for disciplinary action. (b) Any student who aids or abets the accomplishment of cheating as defined in subsection (1) of this section shall also be subject to disciplinary action.
· Plagiarism Policy: WAC 132Q-04-061 Please review the SCC English Department Plagiarism Policy:
Plagiarism (from the Latin word for “kidnapper”) is the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own. You plagiarize deliberately if you copy a sentence from a book and pass if off as your writing, if you summarize or paraphrase someone else’s ideas without acknowledging your debt, or if you buy a term paper to hand in as your own. You plagiarize accidentally if you carelessly forget quotation marks around another’s idea because you are unaware of the need to acknowledge the idea. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious and often punishable offense.*
* Fowler, H. Ramsey. Little, Brown Handbook, 3rd ed. Boston: Little, 1986: 570.
To encourage academic excellence and honesty, we have established the following policy:
Penalties for Deliberate Plagiarism or Cheating: First Offense: Automatic failure of the paper or test and possible failure of the course. Second Offense: Automatic failure of the course.
English 101 English Composition Spring 2004
Instructor: Shusmita SenOffice: 1-211R Old Main Phone: 533-7367 Email: msen@scc.spokane.edu Office Hours: 8:30 – 9:30 Monday-Thursday, and by appointment
Texts: 1. The Brief Bedford Reader, 8th Edition, by X. J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Jane A. Aaron 2. A Writers’ Resource, by Elaine P. Maimon and Janice H. Peritz
Supplies: 81/2 X 11 legal, loose-leaf papers for all in-class writing needs 2 manila folders for essays/assignments to be handed in 3½ HD disk for all your computer needs College dictionary/thesaurus
Course Objectives: English 101 is designed to help develop proficiency in college level writing. Assuming a basic mastery of the standard English sentence and a basic understanding of a clearly written paragraph, the course focuses on the ability to write well developed, clearly organized, and mechanically sound essays in response to various readings and assignments, both in and out of class.
By the end of the course, students in English 101 should be able to demonstrate the following outcomes: · Use a writing process that involves strategies of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading · Apply various rhetorical elements and strategies to particular writing assignments · Write well-developed and clearly organized college-level essays, using standard English sentences · Respond, thoughtfully and critically in writing, to substantive, college-level readings · Use correct methods of documentation when required by assignments
Student Learning Outcomes: Spokane Community College is committed to enriching the educational environment so that the power and growth of learning are valued by all members of the college. We are dedicated to seeing our students demonstrate critical Student Learning Abilities as they relate to our institution and the larger community.
The final grade for overall performance in this class will include assessment of the four SCC Outcomes Abilities:
(facts, evidences, and expert opinions) in your essays, learning to ask the right questions for clarification, demonstrating your knowledge of analytical methods and the ability to arrive at reasonable conclusions/solutions, and recognizing the connections between what you learn, your learning styles, and real-life skills.
Note: Your performance on these learning outcomes will be assessed through regular self-analysis, group evaluation, and instructor-generated evaluation methods.
Course Format: · Students will review, refine, and use a writing process that is appropriate for writing college- level essays. · Students will study a variety of rhetorical strategies (e.g. exposition, persuasion) and rhetorical elements (e.g. audience, tone) and use knowledge of these strategies and elements to inform and shape their writing. · Students will write a series of at least five college-level essays, both in and out of class, in response to specific readings or other assignments. These essays will allow students to improve their ability to incorporate the following elements in their writing: clear organization, effective development, and clear/correct expressions. The essays will be peer-edited frequently and assessed by the instructor regularly. · Students will regularly read, summarize, and discuss college level readings, and writing assignments, with proper documentation, will be based on these readings. · Students will, at the end of the quarter, demonstrate mastery of their learning by successfully passing an in-class essay assignment.
Assignments: More specifically, workload for this class will include: · Reading assigned chapters, from the text, and other information · Writing short summaries and paragraphs on a regular basis · Taking announced and unannounced quizzes on the reading · Drafting and writing approximately 5 essays (450-500 words each) · Preparing a portfolio that will help determine a student’s course grade
Note: All copies of the prewriting activities, the rough, and audience drafts of your essays, along with the feedback sheets need to be turned in with the final draft in a manila folder. Rewrites or revised drafts must be typed. Please keep copies of all final drafts for future references.
Attendance Policy: · Because so much of what you learn and receive credit for must be completed within the class hour, your attendance is extremely important. Daily attendance will be taken, and you will begin to lose points after the first three absences. · Being late for class or leaving early is also disruptive, so please be on time and in class for the scheduled class periods. · Unless otherwise directed, papers and assignments are due on the assigned dates. Late papers are not “excused” due to absences. · Also, you are responsible for all information covered during class during your absence. Choose a classmate from whom you can get the missed notes, assignments, and handouts. · Your contribution to the class will enhance the learning environment for you and your classmates. If your behavior disrupts others or the learning environment, you will be asked to leave, and you will not receive credit for that day’s work or attendance. · Cellular phones should be turned off during class. · You should also note that children are not allowed to attend class with you.
Note: I will encourage you to take personal responsibility for your attendance, behavior, and work.
Grading Policy: Your grade will be based on the total points earned on the activities you choose to complete. As indicated above, it can also be affected by your attendance. Please keep the following guidelines in mind: · In-class activities (not including the in-class essays) cannot be made up. · As a rule, extra-credit work is not encouraged. If an exception is made, it will be an opportunity allowed the entire class, not for individual cases.
An approximate idea of the possible points is as follows:
Spokane Community College Grading Scale:
Withdrawals and “Z” Grades: · It is recommended that you see me and /or your advisor if you consider withdrawing from this class. In the event you stop attending, have not formally withdrawn, and do not complete the course, you will receive a grade of 0.0 (F). · A grade of “Z” or “I” (Incomplete) may be given, when requested by the student, under justifiable circumstances and solely at the instructor’s discretion. · An “I” will only be considered under the following circumstances: ü Passing work must have been achieved prior to the student not being able to complete the course and ü The student is not able to complete the course due to circumstances beyond his/her control.
Other Policies: · The American with Disabilities Act is designed to ensure that students with special needs have an equal opportunity to access academic programs and successfully complete their educational goals. Spokane Community College is committed to providing accessibility to all students. Any students with disabilities who have accommodation needs must contact the Disability Support Services to make an appointment to complete the intake process. This information will remain strictly confidential.
· Classroom Visitors: WAC 131, 12.010 Section 3 specifies that children are not allowed in classes with a parent. Because of this regulation, please make other arrangements if school schedules or illnesses are a problem.
· Cheating: WAC 132Q-04-060 (a) Any student who, for the purpose of fulfilling an assignment or task required by the faculty as part of the student’s program of instruction, shall knowingly tender any work product that the student fraudulently represents to the faculty as the student’s work product, shall be deemed to have cheated. Cheating shall be cause for disciplinary action. (b) Any student who aids or abets the accomplishment of cheating as defined in subsection (1) of this section shall also be subject to disciplinary action.
· Plagiarism Policy: WAC 132Q-04-061 Please review the SCC English Department Plagiarism Policy:
Plagiarism (from the Latin word for “kidnapper”) is the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own. You plagiarize deliberately if you copy a sentence from a book and pass if off as your writing, if you summarize or paraphrase someone else’s ideas without acknowledging your debt, or if you buy a term paper to hand in as your own. You plagiarize accidentally if you carelessly forget quotation marks around another’s idea because you are unaware of the need to acknowledge the idea. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious and often punishable offense.*
* Fowler, H. Ramsey. Little, Brown Handbook, 3rd ed. Boston: Little, 1986: 570.
To encourage academic excellence and honesty, we have established the following policy:
Penalties for Deliberate Plagiarism or Cheating: First Offense: Automatic failure of the paper or test and possible failure of the course. Second Offense: Automatic failure of the course.
Contents within this site are copyrighted by both the author
of essays and/or Mita Sen