Persuasion/Argumentation Outline Shells


Directions:  To write an effective persuasion/argumentation essay, select one of the following patterns below to organize your essay. 



$ First, a note on how to order your body paragraphs in a persuasion-argumentation essay:


Typically, what readers read last, they will remember best.  This means that your final point of support will have the greatest impact on your readers. 


In addition, your first point of support should emphasize the seriousness of your position so that your readers keep reading.


To use this information to your advantage, order your body paragraphs this way:


PBody Paragraph 1:  Second strongest point of support.

PBody Paragraph 2:  Third strongest point of support.

PBody Paragraph 3:  Your strongest point of support.



Pattern One: Developmental (present points of support and evidence for your opinion on the issue.)


    [ Introductory Persuasion/Argumentation Paragraph:


Ø  Introduce the issue--give its history and/or generally explain the controversy.

Ø  Create interest and importance in the issue—why should your reader care? 

Ø  Finish the introductory paragraph with your thesis sentence which is your position on the issue.


    [Body paragraph 1:  present your second strongest point of support and its supporting evidence.

    [Body paragraph 2:  present your third strongest point of support and its supporting evidence.

    [Body paragraph 3:  present your strongest point of support and its supporting evidence.


    [Concluding paragraph: Recommend action to be taken.


Pattern Two: Refutation (show why your opponent’s reasons are weak)


    [ Introductory Persuasion/Argumentation Paragraph:


Ø  Introduce the issue--give its history and/or generally explain the controversy.

Ø  Create interest and importance in the issue—why should your reader care? 

Ø  Finish the introductory paragraph with your thesis sentence which is your position on the issue.


    [ Body paragraph 1:  present one of your opponent’s points of support and show why it is weak. 

    [ Body paragraph 2:  present a second of your opponent’s points of support and show why it is weak. 

    [ Body paragraph 3:  present a third of your opponent’s points of support and show why it is weak. 


    [ Concluding paragraph: Recommend action to be taken.




Pattern Three: Developmental and Refutation (A mixture of Patterns A and B)


    [ Introductory Persuasion/Argumentation Paragraph:


Ø  Introduce the issue--give its history and/or generally explain the controversy.

Ø  Create interest and importance in the issue—why should your reader care? 

Ø  Finish the introductory paragraph with your thesis sentence which is your position on the issue.


    [ Body paragraph 1:  present one of your opponent’s points of support and show why it is weak. 

    [ Body paragraph 2:  present a second of your opponent’s points of support and show why it is weak. 

    [ Body paragraph 3:  present your second strongest point of support and its supporting evidence.

    [ Body paragraph 4:  present your strongest point of support and its supporting evidence.


       [ Concluding paragraph: Recommend action to be taken.