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Sentencing Practice (Fragments, Comma Splice Errors and Run-on Sentences


Directions:  Put an “F” next to the word group if it is a fragment.  Put a “C” next to the word group if it is a complete sentence.


___F__1. After going to Mark’s house and seeing his mother.


___F__2. Although Bob thought the car was broken.


___C__3. Because Danielle wanted dinner, she ordered a pizza.


___F__4. Especially on days before a big test.


___C__5. Linda wanted to carry the bag to the store.


___C__6. Grandma was excited because of her family’s visit.


___C__7. It would be wonderful if I could be in Disneyland tomorrow.


___F__8. Driving into the river after the dance.


___F__9. To study really hard for all of my classes.




 Run-ons and Comma Splices


Directions:  Below are sentences that are correct as well as sentences that have comma splice or run-on errors.  Put a “C” (for “correct”) in the blanks next to correct sentences.  Put an “NH” (“needs help”) in the blanks next to sentences that contain run-ons or comma splice errors.



___C__1.  After the dance near the lake, Ralph went to McDonald’s.


___C__2.  Bob wanted to please his boss, so he worked an extra two days last week.


__NH_3.  We all hope to do well in the class that’s why we study so hard. Run-on


__NH_4.  This school year will hold many surprises, let’s hope they are good ones. Comma Splice


___C__5.  My English teacher loves to give tests; he gives one nearly every week.


___C__6.  Even though Godzilla is not a reptile, he tends to spend time with amphibians.


__NH_7.  The movie The Hobbit was a wonderful documentary, I wonder why I didn’t read about it in the news. Comma Splice


___C__8.  Sentencing is not very difficult to understand, but writing sentences is sometimes difficult to do.


__NH_9.  The boys really were hoping to win the game, they wanted to take home the trophy. Comma Splice


__NH_10. The police car sped through the intersection it must have been going 80 MPH. Run-on


___C__11. Spring is my favorite season because I love the flowers and the warmer days.


___C__12. I hope that next quarter I have wonderful instructors; good instructors make learning fun and worthwhile.


__NH_13. Sally was not sure whom to blame, according to her the whole world was at fault. Comma Splice


___C__14. New York is a wonderful city, yet it is big and frightening as well


___C__15. Spring is a lovely time of the year, and summer soon follows in its path.