English 99/101/201 Name:_____________________________ J. Roth Essay #______ Due Date: _____________ ESSAY PLANNING SHEET ¶1—Thesis
Paragraph List of Support Paragraph topic names (Be sure to decide the order of these): ______________________ ______________________ ______________________
Write Your Thesis Sentence: (Hints: Be sure your
thesis sentence reflects your paragraph topics above. Make your thesis sentence the last
sentence of Paragraph #1. Study the
thesis sentence in the Milkshake Essay Example.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What about the sentences before the thesis sentence (the
introductory sentences)? The first three or four sentences are introductory sentences
leading to your thesis sentence, which ends the paragraph. Generally these sentences should create
interest in your idea or establish its importance so the reader will want to
continue reading. As weird as it
sounds, write these introductory
sentences AFTER you have completed the rough draft of the essay’s body
paragraphs. ¶2—Supporting Point
Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________ List of Supporting Details: ____________________ (You may not need ____________________ (Be sure to decide the order all of these lines for ____________________ before beginning to write your list of details.) ____________________ the paragraph) ____________________
Tests successfully completed (please check
after each): ___unity ___coherence ___completeness ¶3—Supporting Point
#2 Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________ List of Supporting Details: ____________________ (You may not need ____________________ (Be sure to decide the order all of these lines for ____________________ before beginning to write your list of details.) ____________________ the paragraph) ____________________
Tests successfully completed (please check
after each): ___unity ___coherence ___completeness
¶4—Supporting Point
#3 Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________ List of Supporting Details: ____________________ (You may not need ____________________ (Be sure to decide the order all of these lines for ____________________ before beginning to write your list of details.) ____________________ the paragraph) ____________________
Tests successfully completed (please check after
each): ___unity ___coherence ___completeness ¶5--Conclusion Finally, assume that your reader now agrees with your thesis—accepts your position. Write a few closing sentences to recommend action and/or do a bit of cheerleading. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |