Step #2—Reorganize supporting details for best effect, paragraph by paragraph


Reorganized paragraph details è


Note than each detail below has been assigned the location (number) where it will be presented in the paragraph.  We will rough out each paragraph using this new order of details.


                           GOAT’S MILK PARAGRAPH

                        Details ò

    Location ò

Freshness date important—no preservatives

This will be the final detail


This detail will be second

Layers or levels of flavor

This detail will go third


This detail will go first



                          Details ò

    Location ò

Not “extracts” like those in U.S.

This detail will go first

U.S. crystals don’t all absorb

This detail will be second

No residue when mixed

This detail will go third

More expensive but worth it

This will be the final detail


                      DRYER’S ICE CREAM PARAGRAPH

                            Details ò

    Location ò

Go with Dryer’s Satiny Vanilla for first try

This will be the final detail


This detail will be second

Carries message

This detail will go first

Blendable but taste doesn’t disappear

This detail will go third


E Now decide on the best order best order for these support    paragraphs.


Then you are ready to fill out the Essay Planning Sheet