Letter of Apology “Shelby Example”

Letter of Apology

Dear God,                                                                                                                                           Let me just start off by saying that I am sorry. I know that I screwed up and there is nothing I can do to fix it. I am sure that you do not care what I have to say, and do not want to hear my excuses. But, I still want to try and explain to you what really happened that day in the Garden of Eden. It was a little after five on a lovely Thursday evening and Eve was beginning to make dinner. This was when the lovely evening started to become not so lovely. Do not tell her I said this, but her cooking skills could use a little work. I mean she tries and all, but this stuff is hardly edible! I try offering my assistance, but she claims that I will “ruin it”. But trust me, she does a perfectly good job of ruining it all by herself. So, by the time dinner was done and the table was set, I was starving. Scratch that…starving would be an understatement. I sat down at the table and checked out the spread. Eve had created some interesting looking concoctions, and I was getting nervous. But, as soon as I thought all hope was lost, I saw it. Eve had gathered us some fresh fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It looked perfect and was the only thing left untouched by Eve’s “masterful” cooking hands. Trust me, I tried to avoid the fruit God, I really did. I attempted to get down some mystery casserole, but every bite just ended up in my napkin. My stomach was screaming at me, and that was when I reached for the fruit in desperation. That’s it God, that’s how it happened. I promise I never would have eaten it if it hadn’t had been for Eve and her cooking! Please forgive me.


Sincerely,                                                                                                                           The Still Extremely Hungry Adam