Poem Building—the basics                                                        Name:__________________

Traditional rhythm and rhyme


Directions:  Please do your best and have fun with the following:



Craft a couplet with an iambic tetrameter rhythm pattern that has a rhyme scheme of A, B.



Next, turn your couplet into a quatrain by adding two more lines of iambic tetrameter that also have the rhyme scheme of A, B.


When creating the third and fourth lines (the second couplet), try to make the meaning of these two new lines fit the meaning of the beginning couplet.



Poetic Foot Identification


Using your handout (pp. 16-17), identify the following poetic feet.  Your choices are iamb, trochee, anapest, or dactyl.


Interest ______________                               Nightly_______________


Relief________________                               Wedding______________                             


Buzzard______________                               Cashier_______________


Taco John’s __________                                Display_______________


Superman____________                                Guitar________________



Finally, please turn to p. 15 of our handout and determine the rhyme scheme of Loveliest of Trees.


Please write the poem’s rhyme scheme in the blanks below:


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


What is the rhythm pattern of line 2 of the poem?  In other words what poetic foot is used to create line 2 and how many of these feet are there?


Type of poetic foot: _________________  Number of poetic feet:___________________