English 99/101                        Name:_________________________

J. Roth


Words Often Confused Pre-test and Diagnostic


Directions:  Please circle the correct choices


1.   We (already, all ready) have enough people for the trip.


2.   Even though this is only the second week of the quarter, I really need a (break, brake).


3.   You (could’ve, could of) bought even more gifts.


4.   I took a (course, coarse) in using (course, coarse) textures in art.


5.   I am sitting (here, hear) because I could not (here, hear) the speaker where I was.


6.   The whole trip cost only $3000 which (led, lead) me to buy two more tickets.


7.   (It’s, Its) been a long time since this car has had (it’s, its) muffler replaced.


8.   I (knew, new) there was (know, no) way to win.


9.   I received a (compliment, complement) from the two (woman, women) about my posture.


10.                     We (passed, past) the Safeway store on the way home.


11.                     A (peace, piece) of pumpkin pie always hits the spot.


12.                     The (principal, principle) reason I took this (course, coarse) was to learn the (principals, principles) for hiring the best (personal, personnel).


13.                     (Their, There, They’re) are more people (here, hear) today (than, then) (their, there, they’re) were yesterday.


14.                     Bob (threw, through) the ball (threw, through) the window.


15.                     (Their, There, They’re) were (to, too) many people and (to, too) little food at the event.


16.                     I was (to, too) tired and (to, too) cold (to, too) drive (to, too) school.


17.                     (Were, Wear, Where) will we go if the (weather, whether) gets bad?


18.                     (Whose, Who’s) idea was it (to, too) take the train rather (than, then) the bus?


19.                     (You’re, Your) really going to love (their, there, they’re) selections and prices.


20.                     It is (a, an) honor to offer you such (a, an) unique gift as (a, an) apple.


21.                     I hope you will (accept, except) my decision to leave.  I have finished all of my work (accept, except) the final chapter.


22.            Can you (advice, advise) me on which (coarse, course) to take?  I am looking for some trustworthy (advice, advise).


23.                     The President’s speech (affected, effected) us all in different ways.


24.                     The cold weather certainly will (affect, effect) the price of crude oil.


25.                     I find reviewing just before bed to be a very (affective, effective) way to study.


26.                     One (affect, effect) will be an increase in prices.


27.                     Bob, Rachel, and Sean remained (conscious, conscience) through the entire lecture.


28.                     (Their, There, They’re) are fewer students here (than, then) there were last quarter.


29.                     If Jim tells anymore bad jokes, I may (lose, loose) my mind!


30.                     It took (quiet, quite) awhile before the children became (quiet, quite).