Study Skills 94

J. Roth

How to Study a Textbook Assignment


Study the chapter title and                              Mark the text where appropriate

how it relates to the Table                               and write recall words in margins.

of Contents.                                                     Remember—focus on terms,

                                                                                    definitions, examples,

lists, reasons why

Go to the front of the chapter.

Read objectives, goals,                                  

introductory outline,                                       Continue to the next sub-section and

introduction and/or                                         repeat the process.

first 3 or 4 paragraphs.                                   



Go to the end of the chapter.                          Return to the end of the chapter.

Read the summary, conclusion,                      Answer study/review questions,

study or review questions,                              work practice problems and quizzes

end-of-chapter quizzes,                                   to locate gaps in knowledge.

last 3 or 4 paragraphs.


Quickly browse the chapter.                           Return to specific chapter sections

Study names of main                                      and “quick read” to fill the gaps.

sub-headings. “Tinker-Toy” or                                                  

outline the main parts.                                    

                                                                                    Return to the chapter objectives to be

Study key vocabulary words.                         sure you have accomplished them.


    ðUse the chapter or book’s  glossary




USE PRM(F)Q in one of two ways:



If test is      Begin “quick-reading” the                       FlASHCARD “The Big Six” if you

from the      chapter, sub-section by sub-                      will be tested from the book.

lectures      section. Change each sub-                                   

      heading to a question and

      quick-read” to find the answer. 

                                                                                    Quiz yourself with the flashcards or

 OR                                                            review chapter by using the labels in    the margin to test your recall.

If test is       Begin “key-wordreading

 from          the chapter, sub-section by          

the book      sub-section. Change each 

                  sub-heading to a question and                  Repeatedly and often quiz yourself.

                  read key words to find the



Pause—answer the question