September 27, 2009 in Nation/World
Brain work sheds light
on memory
Scientists map
neural wiring
Robert S. Boyd
WASHINGTON – Using a powerful microscope, Karel
Svoboda, a brain scientist at the Janelia Farm
Research Campus in Ashburn, Va., peers through a plastic window in the top of
a mouse’s head to watch its brain’s neurons sprout new connections – a vivid
display of a living brain in action. Ryan LaLumiere, a neurologist at the Medical
University of South Carolina in Charleston, trains cocaine-addicted rats to
suppress their craving – a technique he says may help human addicts. Elizabeth Kensinger, the director of a
neuroscience lab at Boston College, uses an MRI machine to picture the brains
of Boston College hockey players as they remember high points and low points
from the hockey season – the better to understand the effect of strong
emotions on memory. These are a few of the cutting-edge experiments that neuroscientists are
performing in the latest efforts to understand the mysteries of how the brain
learns, remembers and forgets. The work is shedding new light on how the brain handles memory storage,
loss, fear, addiction and aging. Some explore the role of sleep – even a
brief nap – in consolidating long-term memories. Others are building colorful
wiring diagrams, nicknamed “Brainbows,” that use
different shades to show which neurons connect with which. The human brain contains some 100 billion neurons that are connected by
an elaborate network of tiny wires called axons and dendrites. Neurons
communicate by passing chemical signals from axons to dendrites at junctions
known as synapses. The sender neuron sends a chemical transmitter, called
glutamate, across the synaptic gap. The receiver neuron responds by firing a
tiny jolt of electricity. “The complex thoughts and emotions of our minds are generated in the
brain by complex networks of such signal cascades, similar to the electric
pulses in a computer,” T.S. Thorsen, a Danish
researcher, said at the Society for Neuroscience’s annual meeting in
Washington in November. “The central mechanism by which the brain works is the release of a
substance called glutamate from nerve ends, which is then sensed by
neighboring cells,” Thorsen said. The brain responds to life experiences by adjusting the strength of
individual synapses and by changing the pattern of connections between
neurons. Scientists say this “plasticity” of the brain is the key to how
animals and people learn, remember and forget. Researchers are discovering how to track these changes. For instance,
Peter Serrano, a neuroscientist at the State University of New York in
Brooklyn, found that a certain molecule, PKM-zeta, increases when a rat
learns a memory task, such as how to find its way through a maze. “For the first time, we can detect a molecular memory trace – the
persistent increased levels in PKM-zeta that last for a month after
training,” Serrano told the neuroscience conference. Much memory research is performed on mice, rats and other mammals because
it’s often impossible to do such work on living humans. Svoboda, the scientist who watched neurons make new connections inside a
mouse brain, said the same thing probably happens in people when they learn a
new skill such as typing or playing the piano. Researchers are gaining new insights into various processes and problems
of memory. For example: Alzheimer’s disease: Li-Huei Tsai, the director
of the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory in
Cambridge, Mass., found a gene, HDAC2, in mice, that she said is a prime
target for a drug that could treat, or even reverse, the effects of
Alzheimer’s. She was able to restore lost memories in mice that had been
drugged to produce Alzheimer’s-like symptoms. “This is exciting because more potent and safe drugs can be developed to
treat Alzheimer’s and other cognition diseases by targeting this HDAC
specifically,” Tsai reported in the journal Nature in May. “The recovery of long-term memory (in mice) was really the most
remarkable finding,” she reported. “It suggests that memories are not really
erased in such disorders as Alzheimer’s, but that they are rendered
inaccessible and can be recovered.” Fear and other emotions: Kensinger, the Boston
College researcher, wrote that “emotion influences every phase of memory. It
affects where we direct our attention as we initially experience an event. It
influences how the event becomes solidified in our memories over sleep-filled
delays, and it molds the ways in which the event is later retrieved.” A recent discovery is the formation of “perineural
nets,” networks of proteins surrounding neurons that make it hard to erase
the memory of fearful events. So far, these nets have been studied only in
rodents, but researchers think they may apply to humans, such as soldiers
suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Sleep: Scientists have long known that sleep plays an important role in
consolidating memories and transferring them to long-term storage in
the brain. “Not only do we need to remember to sleep, we need to sleep to remember,”
said Robert Stickgold, a neuroscientist at Harvard
Medical School in Boston. Recent work by William Fishbein, a psychologist
at City College of New York, showed that even “a brief daytime nap” improves
memory. College students who napped did better on a memory test than those
who stayed awake all day, he said. |