Prefix |
Meaning |
Example |
a, ab |
from, without, away |
avert, absent |
ac, ad, af, al |
to, toward |
acclimate, advance, |
affix, allure |
alti |
high, height |
altitude |
ambi |
both, about |
ambidextrous, |
ambivalent |
amphi |
around |
amphitheatre |
ante |
before, in front of |
antedate |
anti |
against, opposed |
antisocial |
auto |
of oneself, self |
automatic, automobile |
be |
.thoroughly, make |
bespatter, belittle |
bi |
two, double |
bicycle, bicuspid |
biblio |
book |
bibliography |
bon |
good |
bonfire, bon voyage |
centre |
center |
centralize |
circum |
around |
circumference |
co |
with |
cooperate, cohesive |
col, com, |
together, with |
colleague, complete, |
con, cor |
concurrent, correspond |
contra, counter |
against |
contradict, counteract |
de |
down from |
decrease, descend |
demi |
half |
demigod |
dia |
through, across |
diameter |
dif, dis |
apart from, from |
diffuse, disjoint |
dis |
not, opposite of |
dislike |
duo |
two |
duodecimal |
dyna |
power |
dynamo, dyn:1mic |
dys |
ill, difficult |
dyspeptic |
e, ex |
out, from, away |
egress, exit, export |
Em, en, ento |
in. into |
embroil, engross |
epi |
upon, on the outside |
epidermis |
eu |
well, good |
eulogy |
ex tra |
beyond |
extraordinary |
for |
away, not |
forbid |
fore |
in front of |
forecast, foretell |
hemi |
half |
hemisphere |
hetero |
different |
heterogeneous |
holo |
whole, all |
holocaust |
hyper |
above, too much |
hypersensitive |
Prefix |
Meaning |
Example |
idio |
one’s own |
idiom |
il, im, ir |
not |
illegal, impossible, |
irresponsible |
in. |
in, into, not |
inside, inaccurate |
inter |
between |
interstate |
intra |
within' |
intramural |
iso |
equal, same |
isometric, isocracy |
kilo |
one thousand |
kilocycle |
macro |
large, long |
macrocosm, macroscopic |
magni |
great |
magnify |
mal |
bad, wrong |
malpractice |
micro |
small |
Microphone, |
microscopic |
mis |
wrongly |
misquote |
mono |
single, alone |
monoplane, monologue |
multi |
many |
multiply, multitude |
non |
not |
nonsense |
nov |
nine |
November |
octo |
eight |
octopus, octave |
oligo |
few |
oligarchy |
orni |
bird |
ornithology |
ortho |
straight, right |
orthodox |
pan |
whole |
panorama, Pan-American |
pedi |
foot |
pedicure |
penta |
five |
pentagon |
per |
through |
perceive |
peri |
around, round |
perimeter, periphery |
phono |
voice, tone |
phonograph |
poly |
many |
polygamy |
post |
after |
postscript |
pre |
before |
predate, prefix |
pro |
forward |
progress, proceed |
pseudo |
false |
pseudonym |
quadri |
four |
quadruped, quadruplicate |
quint |
five |
quintuplet, quintet |
re |
back, again |
regain, recount |
retro |
backward |
retrospect, retroactive |
se |
aside, apart |
separate |
semi |
half |
semicircle |
sext |
six |
sextet |
sub, sup, sus |
under, below |
subway, support, |
sustain |
Prefix |
Meaning |
Example |
super |
above |
superimpose, |
superintendent |
syl, sym, syn |
with, together |
syllable, sympathy, |
synchronize |
tele |
far |
telephone |
tetra |
four |
tetrameter |
theo |
God |
theology |
to |
this, the |
today |
trans |
across |
transfer, transcontinental |
tri |
three |
tripod, triangle |
ultra |
excessive |
ultraconservative |
un |
not, opposite |
un |
unhappy, unwilling |
uni |
one |
united |
vice |
in place of |
vice-president |
with |
back, ,away |
withheld |
Suffix |
Meaning |
Example |
able |
possible to |
likable, manageable |
acity |
quality of |
audacity |
acious |
given to |
audacious |
acy |
state of being |
privacy |
age |
act of, state of, |
homage, hermitage |
place |
al |
referring to, like |
natural, homicidal |
an |
of, having to do |
American, African |
with |
ance |
act, fact of |
guidance |
ancy |
act of |
constancy |
ant |
being, one who |
assistant |
ar |
like, one who |
liar, circular |
arium |
place for |
aquarium, planetarium |
ary |
. having to do with |
revolutionary |
stationary |
ate |
one who, to make |
mandate, dictate |
ation ative |
of, state of tending to |
admiration, explanation talkative |
Suffix |
Meaning |
Example |
cle |
little |
particle |
cracy |
type of government- |
democracy |
authority |
cule |
little |
miniscule |
dom |
state, authority of |
kingdom, freedom |
ed |
action completed, did |
consented |
en |
made of |
golden |
ence, ency |
state of, act of |
confidence, emergency |
ent, er |
one who, that which |
correspondent, |
teacher, rocker |
er (adj.) |
more than |
greater |
est |
most |
smartest |
esque |
like in manner |
grotesque, |
or style |
picturesque |
fu1 |
full of |
helpful, deceitful |
fy |
to make, to form |
magnify, dignify |
hood |
state of |
brotherhood |
ial |
on account of |
official |
ian |
one who |
physician |
ible |
capable of being, able |
horrible |
ic |
like, having to do with |
historic |
icity |
quality of |
domesticity |
electricity |
ify |
to make, to form |
falsify, clarify |
ile |
capable of, suited to |
infantile, senile |
ing |
action going on, |
acting, living |
result of action |
ion |
act of doing |
confession |
ish |
resembling, like |
boyish, stylish |
ism |
quality or doctrine of |
capitalism, socialism |
ist |
one who |
scientist |
itis |
inflammation of |
bronchitis |
ity |
quality or state of |
creativity |
ive |
inclined to, that which |
detective, reflective |
ize |
to make, practice |
theorize, eulogize |
kin |
little |
lambkin |
less |
without |
witless, harmless |
let |
small, little |
drop1et, starlet |
like |
resembling |
homelike |
ly |
manner of acting, |
quickly, quietly |
like |
Suffix Meaning Example
ment state of, act of employment, enjoyment
meter instrument for measuring speedometer, thermometer
ness state or quality of sharpness, helpfulness
or one who, that which sailor, instructor, resistor
ory serving for, place where conservatory, laboratory
ose abounding in, full of verbose, grandiose
osis illness of psychosis, cirrhosis
osity sate or quality of being generosity
ous full of dangerous, marvelous
ship quality or condition friendship
sion, tion state of, act of cooperation, transportation
some more, the same as quarrelsome
tude quality or degree of certitude, fortitude
ty state of, act of certainty
ure result of failure
ward in direction of, toward homeward
y marked by healthy, wealthy
Suffix Meaning Example
acri sharp, bitter acrid, acrimony
acro highest point acropolis, acrobat
act rouse, doing acting, activate
aesth perceiving aesthetic
ag do, act agenda, agitate
ami friend amicable
ann year annual, anniversary
anthrop man anthropology
api bee apiary
aqua water aquatics
aster, astr star asterisk, asteroid, astronomy
audi, audio hear audiovisual, auditory
avi bird avian, aviary
bar weight, pressure barometer, isobar
bene well, good benefit, benign, benefactor
Root Word Meaning Example
bio life biology
cant sing cantata
cap to take capacity
capit head capital
carcer prison incarcerate
cardia heart cardiac
ceed, cede, cess go, move, yield recede, proceed, access
ceive take receive
celer quick accelerate
cent hundred centimeter, century, percent
chron time chronological, chronic
cide kill homicide, genocide
corp body corpse, corporation
cosm universe cosmology, cosmic
crat group member autocrat, democrat
cred belief credit, credible
crypt hidden, secret cryptic, encrypt
cur flow current
dec, deci ten decimal, decades
demo people demographic, democracy
dent tooth dental, dentist
derm skin dermatology, epidermis
dextr right hand dexterous, dexterity
dic, dict say, speak, tell dictate, diction, dictator
divid, divis separate divide, dividend, division
doc to teach doctrine, indoctrinate
dont teeth orthodontic
dome house domestic, domicile, dome
domin rule, master dominate
don give donate
duc, duct take, lead conduct, produce, air duct
dulc sweet dulcet
dupl to double duplicate
dur to last durable, endure, duration
ego I, self egotist, egomaniac
entom insect entomology
equ horse equine, equestrian
equa equal equality, equilateral
eros love erotic
err to go astray, errant, error, erratic
to do wrong
Root Word Meaning Example
fall to mistake, deceive fallacy
fel cat feline
fer carry transfer, refer, ferry
fin end finish, finite, final
flagr burn conflagration
fid faith confident
fort make strong comfort, fortify
frater brother fraternity, fraternal
gam marriage bigamy, monogamy
garrul chatter garrulous
gene race, sex genetic, genealogy
geo earth geography, geology
gloss, glot language, tongue glossary, polyglot
grad step gradually, graduate
graph a writing instrument epigraph, phonograph
for making records
grat that grateful, gratitude
hydr water hydrant, dehydrate, hydraulics
ichth fish ichthyology
icon image, idol iconoclast
ign fire ignite, ignition. igneous
ject throw inject, project, reject
junct join junction, injunction, conjunction
lat carry, bear relate
laud praise applaud, laudable
lect to choose elect, select
leg law legal, legislation
lith stone monolith, neolithic
loc place locate, location
locu, logue, loqu to speak elocution, monologue, eloquent
logy to study biology, geology, hydrology
luc to be light, clear lucid, lucent
lun moon lunacy, lunar
man, manu hand manual, manicure, manuscript
maxim largest maximum
medi middle mediocre, medium
memo to remember memorable, memorandum
ment act, way judgment, statement
meter, metr to measure metric, thermometer
mim imitation mimic, mime
Root Word Meaning Example
min smallest minimize
mis, mit to
send mission,
morph form,
by morphic,
mort death mortal, postmortem
nasc, nat to
be born nascent, native
neo new neophyte,
nephr kidney nephritis
neur nerve neurology
neutr neither neutral
nomen name nomenclature
nov new novel, novice,
omni all omnipotent
ophthal eye ophthalmology
osteo bone osteopath,
ov egg oval, ovum,
pac peace pacify
pater, patri father patriarch, paternal
pedia child pediatrician
ped foot pedal, biped,
patho suffering pathology, pathetic,
pel drives propeller, compel
pend hang pendulum, depend,
penetr go through penetrate
petr rock petrify
photo, phos light photography, phosphorus
phob fear phobia,
pod foot tripod, podiatrist
port carry transport, portable
pos to
place position,
pot power potent, despot
puls drive, force compulsive
pyro fire pyromaniac,
ques, quiro to
ask question,
inquire, inquiry
quie rest quiet, acquiesce
radi ray radiant,
rect right, straight rectitude, erect, correct
regu rule, model regulation, irregular
rhino nose rhinitis
Root Word |
Meaning |
Example |
rupt |
to break |
disrupt |
sacr, sanct |
holy. sacred |
sacramental. sanctify |
sal |
salt |
saline. salty |
salut |
health |
salutary |
salve |
safe |
salvation, salvage |
sangui |
blood |
sanguine |
sani |
healthy. sound |
sanitary, sanity |
sarco |
flesh |
sarcoma |
sati |
gratify |
satisfy, satisfaction |
scend |
to climb |
ascend, descend |
schizo |
to split |
schizophrenic |
schol |
school |
scholastic |
scien |
knowledge, skill |
scientific |
scler, sclero |
hard |
sclerosis |
scope |
see. observe |
microscope |
scrib script |
to write |
scribble, inscription |
sect |
to cut, divide |
bisect, vivisection |
seism |
earthquake |
seismogram |
sens, senti |
feel, think. perceive |
sensation. sentiment |
sequ |
to follow |
sequel |
sign |
a symbol. mark |
signify, signature |
simil, simul |
Same, same time |
similar, simultaneous |
spec, spect |
look, behold |
speculate, spectator |
speci |
particular sort, kind |
specimen, species |
spher |
ball, globular |
sphere, spherical |
spir |
breath |
respiration |
sta |
stand |
station, stationary |
tend, tens |
stretch |
distend, tension |
therm |
heat |
thermometer |
tort |
twist |
distort |
tract |
draw |
distract, detract |
utili |
useful |
utility, utilize |
vent |
come, arrive |
convene, convention |
veri |
truth |
verify, veritable |
vert, ver |
turn |
revert, invert |
vid, vis |
to see |
video, visible |
viv |
to live |
vivid, vivacious |
voc |
voice |
vocalize |
vor, vore |
to eat |
voracious, carnivore |
zo |
animal |
zoology, zoography |