Sen/Roth InSync                                          Setting Goals—p. 101


Goals must be challenging but achievable (fair to you)

Goals must be measureable


Poorly Stated Goals (can’t be measured)

I want to get a good grade in math this quarter.

I want to increase my exercise this quarter.

I want to spend more time with my family.

I want to lose some weight before Thanksgiving.


Rewritten Goals—Now Measurable (Green)

I want to get a good grade in math this quarter.

I want to earn at least a 2.5 in math this quarter.


I want to increase my exercise this quarter.

I want to walk an average of 20 minutes/3 times a week.


I want to spend more time with my family.

I want to create a Family Friday agreement with my family.


I want to lose some weight by Thanksgiving.

I want to lose at least 5 pounds by Thanksgiving.




GOAL--I want to earn at least a 2.5 in math this quarter.


1.       Do my math homework in the math lab M-Thr @ 12:30

2.       Check my progress with the instructor at least once every two weeks.

3.       Be sure to write down all assignments and due dates and keep when I see it regularly.

4.       Join a math study group with students who are better at math than I.


GOAL--I want to walk an average of 20 minutes/3 times a week.


1.       Keep a weekly log of my walks—write down days, dates, and approximate times.

2.       Check my log each time I begin to see what my average has been.


GOAL--I want to lose at least 5 pounds by Thanksgiving.


1.       Write down beginning weight and date.

2.       Not eat anything after supper except on Saturdays and Sundays.

3.       Switch to 1% milk

4.       Practice eating cereal and other foods without sugar added.

5.       Try not to eat anything that comes in a package.

6.       Check and record weight every two weeks.