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English 102                                                Name: ____________________________

J. Roth






      List the two or three most important things you have learned through your study.


1. _____________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________






Please copy the first point from the list in Step One:


1.     _____________________________________________________



Free-write for as long as you can (15 to 20 minutes minimum) about what you have learned about this point.  Have no sources in front of you.  (Quickly running out of ideas to write about concerning this point most likely indicates the need for a bit more research and thought.)








Please copy the second point from the list in Step One:



2.     _____________________________________________________



Free-write for as long as you can (15 to 20 minutes minimum) about what you have learned about this point.  Have no sources in front of you.  (Quickly running out of ideas to write about concerning this point most likely indicates the need for a bit more research and thought.)





Please copy the third point from the list in Step One:



3.     _____________________________________________________



Free-write for as long as you can (15 to 20 minutes minimum) about what you have learned about this point.  Have no sources in front of you.  (Quickly running out of ideas to write about concerning this point most likely indicates the need for a bit more research and thought.)





STEP THREE--INFLATE: Return to your free-writing and highlight or mark the significant parts of each free-write.  Then inflate these highlighted or marked parts into paragraphs by copying them in an appropriate order into the spaces below:


Inflate Point #1:












Inflate Point #2:









Inflate Point #3:





STEP FOUR--EXPAND and SMOOTH:  Expand and smooth each inflated point by adding transitions and any new information that you now remember.  Be sure that each part reads smoothly when you are done.



Expand and Smooth Inflated Point #1:


Insert your own paper here ò


Expand and Smooth Inflated Point #2:


Insert your own paper here ò


Expand and Smooth Inflated Point #3:


Insert your own paper here ò





STEP FIVE--LOCATE and BLEND: Turn to your sources and locate information, ideas, words that you would like to blend in with your own.  Insert these into your expanded and smoothed sections.  Be sure to quote accurately!  Clearly note the source, the page number if relevant, etc.


Also, when doing this, please remember the four rules of using sources:


1.     Use words from a source if the source says something particularly well. (You want to share this wording with your reader.)


2.     Use words from a source if you need authoritative support for a point you are making. (In other words, you want to share this wording with your reader.)


3.     Keep citations as short as possible.


4.     Give proper credit to the property (words, ideas) you use.






Blend Point #1: List sources and locate wording/ideas to consider blending. Be sure to carefully note source and page number of each item.


         Insert your own paper here.


Blend Point #2: List sources and locate wording/ideas to consider blending. Be sure to carefully note source and page number of each item.


        Insert your own paper here.


Blend Point #3: List sources and locate wording/ideas to consider blending. Be sure to carefully note source and page number of each item.


         Insert your own paper here.




STEP SIX—EDIT and REVISE: Read through your draft ALOUD and circle questionable parts.  Return to these circled parts and do the following: Reword “clumsy” “weak” wording, shorten your style to create impact, be BRUTAL with your editing! 


Put the draft away for a bit. Take a break and then--


 DO IT AGAIN—the same thing-- Read through this new draft ALOUD and circle questionable parts.  Return to these circled parts and do the following: Reword “clumsy” “weak” wording, shorten to create impact, be BRUTAL!  


Put the draft away for a bit. Take a break and then –


DO IT ONE MORE TIME!--the same thing-- Read through this new draft ALOUD and circle questionable parts.  Return to these circled parts and do the following: Reword “clumsy” “weak” wording, shorten to create impact, be BRUTAL!  



STEP SEVEN: FORMAT TIME: Finalize your Works Cited (MLA) or References (APA) page. Return to your most recent rough draft and insert the appropriate citation information.








Draft an introduction (list ideas that might work)—add you thesis to the end of it.


Draft a conclusion: Wrap up, cheerlead, recommend a course of action.






STEP NINE: USE OUTSIDE RESOURCES IF NEEDED:  Seek peer editing help. Polish your completed draft, check accuracy and conformity to the assignment and to the citation standards (MLA or APA).  Submit by the due date.