Jim Roth’s Website


Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional representation of someone else's words and ideas as your own.  It is academic theft and is dealt with harshly (failure of the course, expulsion from the school) at more colleges and universities.  The good news is that it can be avoided with proper understanding and practice.  At the heart of many college and university courses is assigned research, which can open the door to plagiarism. 

Arm yourself with the knowledge of what plagiarism is and how to avoid it by touring the following links:

Plagiarism:  How to Avoid It.  A YouTube video from Bainbridge College with more links at the conclusion of the presentation


Plagiarism Tutorial  Take the pre-test first to discover areas in need of new information


What’s a Paraphrase?—an excellent explanation of a paraphrase—how it’s created and why it’s used.


SCC Library Tutorial Please read through the nine steps.


Purdue OWL  Please read carefully from "Overview and Contradictions" through "Safe Practices." Then try your hand at the "Safe Practices Exercises." (If you encounter a search strip, type "plagiarism" in it and use the first link provided.)