American Literature 246 Web Wednesday Assignment #2


(20 points possible)


E Perhaps print this page out and check off the steps as you complete them.


DUE: Beginning of class, Thursday, October 19, 2006



Exploring early Twentieth Century Authors


ü      First, select one of the American writers listed below:


·        Edwin Arlington Robinson

·        Paul Laurence Dunbar

·        Willa Cather

·        Gertrude Stein

·        Robert Frost


ü      Next, using at least two legitimate Internet resources, find out what you can about your author’s life and contribution to American literature.


ü      Finally, in a page, summarize your discoveries. 


      • What were the most important events in your author’s life? 
      • What key events helped shape his or her artistic perspective and style?
      • In your final paragraph and in your own words, what was your author’s contribution to American literature?





Note: Please remember that since this is a ‘W’ course, the quality of your writing will in part determine the points you earn.  Please turn in a thoughtful, edited draft.