American Literature 246                                 Name:_________________




Writing Assignment #1—20 points



Emily Dickinson’s Poetry



 Due: The beginning of class, Thursday, September 28, 2006.



Ø      First, pick any one of Dickinson’s poems from our text and write a competent line-by-line paraphrase of it.  Be sure your paraphrase translates the poem into common language rather than interprets, explains, or analyzes its meaning.


Ø      Next, in a paragraph, explain why you chose this particular poem.  Specifically, why did it appeal to you?  Go deep.


Ø      Finally, in another paragraph or two, show how the poem you selected fits into one of Dickinson’s poetic themes or categories.  Cite specific lines from the poem for support.


o       Themes/Categories


ü      Self-reliance

ü      Individualism

ü      Nature

ü      Riddles

ü      Death and dying

ü      Marriage

ü      Suffering

ü      Religion and Spirituality

ü      Truth or the lack thereof




Note: Please remember that since this is a ‘W’ course, the quality of your writing will in part determine the points you earn.  Please turn in a thoughtful, edited draft.